Yog Vashishtha Meditation


The Supreme Wisdom for Union with The Absolute

The Supreme Wisdom for Union with The Absolute

Yoga Vashishtha is a metaphysical and philosophical ancient sanctified scripture based on Guru Vashishtha’s influential teachings in form of sacred dialogue between the enlightened scholar Guru who knew the ultimate pinnacle of truth and the competent disciple who was destined and entitled to know the same ultimate truth. The scripture illustrates the inner spiritual journey of dejected Prince Rama, whom Guru Vashishtha illuminated with the Supreme Knowledge and Supreme Consciousness. While deciphering the non-dual Reality beyond all meta mental illusions, Guru instilled and cultivated in prince Rama, the true significance and right objective of life. The knowledge through which Prince Rama become ever-revered, ever-loved enlightened King Lord Rama is ever-here, as the Truth is ever-true, the Guru is ever-present, for the seeker who is ever-enquiring, ever-deserving, and ever-ready. The program is structured for 21 days, to discuss and meditate upon the distinct concepts revealed through 29,000 sanctified verses indoctrinated in 6 sections of Yoga Vashistha text, to experience the mind and the mindlessness, self and the selflessness, soul and the soullessness, to realize the only-existential Absolute Supreme Soul.


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