
Vedanta Narration and Meditation

  • Categories Meditation
  • Duration 03h 33m 20s
  • Last Update February 11, 2022

About Course

Vedanta literally implies the gist or nectar of four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda), which may additionally be referred to as Upanishads.


Vedanta (Veda (sacred epics of Sanatana philosophy) +Anta (conclusion)

The four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda) hold an Absolute divine knowledge and sanctified wisdom in a most scientific manner and systematic layout as (Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka, and Upanishad). Vedanta literally implies the gist or nectar of Vedas, which may additionally be referred to as Upanishads. Vedanta conveys the essence of Veda.


 Vedanta Encompasses 

Vedanta comprises sculptural science of living divinely as humanity to comprehensively understand to:

  • own peculiar nature as an individual and collective being (as units in the cosmic body).
  • identify and achieve personal as well as divine objectives.
  • omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent Supreme consciousness.
  • self-ordained, self-organized, self-decreed, self-led, self-coherent sentient system of the Universe.
  • techniques and mantras to be observed in sacrificial yagna within (the sanctified ritual to generate consecrated healing energy from the holy blend of heat (of fire of knowledge) and sound (of subtle chants of divine wisdom))


The Essence of Vedanta secures an insight on:

  • initial and original knowledge
  • Extensive understanding of Universe (creation & existence)
  • guidance for humanity
  • revelation of Divinity
  • spiritual Enlightenment


Vedanta Entails

Vedanta endorses several routes in the direction of self-realization, and in pursuit to pursue a divine relationship with the Infinite, one may choose only one path or may complementarily blend them too as all paths descend and ascend towards the same one eternal source

  • Karma Yoga, the Compassionate Service path, trusting infinity is working through us.
  • Bhakti Yoga, the Unwavering Devotion path, through divine love and longing.
  • Gyan Yoga, the Wisdom and knowledge path, insightfully examining the truth.
  • Raja Yoga, the Royal path, emphasizes meditation and self-control.
  • Tantra Yoga, the Kundalini yoga, transcendence of latent primordial sacred energy, the Shakti.

What Will I Learn?

  • Authentic nature of Self (individual soul /Atma)
  • Pure nature of Super self (ultimate Supreme Soul /Parmatma)
  • Highest/Self-enquiry, “who am I?”
  • Awakening to the Esoteric Truth
  • Realization of Absolute Consciousness
  • Liberation from mental perceptions and projections
  • Divine inner peace
  • Reality of time and space (manifested dynamic Universe/Prakriti)
  • Dualism and Non-Dualism
  • Unity, Oneness, Wholeness
  • Self-mastery
  • Spiritual Illumination
  • an upsurge of mighty serpent energy
  • subdued wandering mind
  • stillness over overthinking
  • steady concentration
  • focus on the present moment
  • balanced left and right hemispheres of brain
  • elevated self-esteem, self-love, and inner happiness
  • release ingrained negative patterns and perceptions
  • worthiness and optimism.
  • heightened awareness
  • amplified efficiency etc.

Topics for this course

5 Lessons03h 33m 20s

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Vedanta Meditation written in dark blue on light color background

Material Includes

  • 5 videos


  • Subtle telepathic communication from the master is the integral practice of understanding and interpreting Vedanta. With purest intent and determination to learn or teach Vedanta, an individual inherently unfolds primal resonance and concealed connotation of holy text. As a divine grace in the form of meta transmission, the student may inherently learn from the sages vibrating at a higher level of consciousness.

Target Audience

  • Everyone
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